An attractive breast size, shape and texture is considered an optimal beauty standard for many women. Uplifted, perky breasts are a sign of youthfulness and virility, while many fashionable clothing lines expect a bust size that is in proportion to the rest of the body.
Having breasts that droop or are asymmetrical can have a devastating effect on confidence, leading to difficulties in romantic and social relationships. If you are considering surgical alteration to your breasts, it is important to think about what kind of procedure is best for you. Ultimately, this will depend on what you want to gain from the procedure.
Are You a Candidate for Breast Augmentation?
Breast size is generally determined by genetics. Unfortunately, this means that your silhouette may appear imbalanced if you have large hips and thighs but a small bust. Alternatively, you may have a slim figure, but your breast size makes you feel “boyish” or unfeminine. You may be tired of creating the illusion of a fuller bust with lingerie and makeup, and are ready to embrace a body shape that better suits your image and expectations.
Breast augmentation adds volume and size to your bust, enhancing your silhouette and defining your curves. Silicone implants can be a more expensive and invasive procedure, but create a more natural look. Saline implants are effective at enhancing the volume and shape of existing mammary tissue.
Does a Breast Lift Suit Your Goals?
Breasts can lose volume for many different reasons. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, weight fluctuation and the natural aging process can all cause your bust to sag or droop. In extreme cases, the nipple may fall straight downward. This can be devastating to your self-image, and you may seek a more youthful appearance without increasing bust size. If so, a breast lift may be the cosmetic choice for you.
Reshaping the breast will involve uplifting the nipple and removing excess tissue to provide a naturally youthful look. This is the ideal surgical solution for those unhappy with the appearance of their bust.
Breast augmentation and a breast lift can be performed separately, or in conjunction to achieve the aesthetic you desire. Los Angeles Plastic Surgery can guide you through the optimal surgeries to restore a natural, youthful you. Contact our Beverly Hills surgery today.
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Phone: 310-888-4048
Email: drjohnanastasatos@gmail.com