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Raised or hypertrophic scars occur when the body produces too much collagen to heal a cut, burn or other injury to the skin. The scar tissue stays within the boundaries of the damaged skin, but the tissue is raised above the surrounding skin. Hypertrophic scar removal can be difficult, and simply removing the scar tissue will still leave a noticeable scar. Dr. John Anastasatos at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills offers advanced hypertrophic scar removal options to eliminate raised scars.

Hypertrophic scars can be distracting and uncomfortable. The raised formation is usually red or lighter than the skin. Some hypertrophic scars can be uncomfortable and become wider over time, which is why many people want to have them removed. There are a few different methods that can be used, depending on the scar, location and skin type.

Treatment for Raised Scars

Whenever possible, scar treatment with non-invasive methods is preferred. Many raised scars can be treated with steroid injections to help shrink or flatten the scar. Laser therapy and topical treatments help minimize the appearance of scars or change their appearance. For severe scars, surgical methods may be needed to achieve the best results.

Surgical hypertrophic scar removal or treatment requires extensive skill to hide or reduce severe scars. A scar can never be completely removed through surgery. The surgery itself will leave some type of scar in its place. However, advanced methods greatly reduce the appearance of scar tissue, using various surgical techniques to remove raised scar tissue and minimize any residual scarring from forming.

If you have a hypertrophic or raised scar that is bothersome or unattractive, contact us at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills. Our team can schedule an appointment with Dr. Anastasatos to discuss hypertrophic scar treatment options.

Offices in California and Greece Schedule Your Consultation Now!

Beverly Hills Location

WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860
436 North Bedford Drive Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Greece Location

Palas Kefalari
Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece
logo Los Angeles Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills, CA

Beverly Hills Location

436 North Bedford Drive Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860

Greece Location

Palas Kefalari
Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece