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The Fifteen-Minute Nose Job: A procedure performed simultaneously with the endoscopic brow lift

As we age and gravity begins to take its toll, our noses get longer and the tips become droopy and thicker. These issues usually present themselves for women at age 30 and for men at age 35. These aging changes more prominent with advancing age.

This unwanted aging concerns could be easily remedied in a mere fifteen minutes with the assistance and expertise of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Dr. John Anastasatos at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Anastasatos’ nose-lift is an extremely innovative procedure that can be completed while the patient is awake, under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s needs and desires. It is done with the use of endoscopic instruments and the approach or portal of entry is in the hairy part of the forehead! No visible incisions are on the nose.

What it does: It provides a natural lift of the nose and the appearance of the smaller nose.

Results are immediate and due to its non-invasive technique, the recovery time for the nose lift is typically a mere 5 days, and since there is virtually no downtime and the recovery is painless, the patient can return to work the following day.

The ideal candidate is anyone who has noticed the ageing changes of his or her nose (this can be as early as age thirty or as late as age sixty) and wants a quick and long lasting effect. The longer these changes go untreated, the harder they will be to fix in the future. Acting early is a great way to get ahead of the aging process, as prevention is better than a cure.

An endoscopic nose lift is also effective for patients who have already had a nose job and as a result have lost some nasal support and protection. The procedure is beneficial in the restoration of the augmented nose.

This procedure yields even better results when coupled with the endoscopic brow lift. The endoscopic brow lift can “open up the eyes” and also permanently remove the deep wrinkles on between the brows. These deep wrinkles usually require a lifetime of Botox injections otherwise.

The simultaneous rejuvenation of the nose, brow, under eyes and forehead yields a harmonious and youthful look.

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Beverly Hills Location

WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860
436 North Bedford Drive Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Greece Location

Palas Kefalari
Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece
logo Los Angeles Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills, CA

Beverly Hills Location

436 North Bedford Drive Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860

Greece Location

Palas Kefalari
Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece