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Otoplasty, or ear pinning, is surgery to correct protruding ears. This is a very common condition for men and women, and it makes both sexes very self-conscious. Women will often cover their protruding ears with their hair because it concerns them, or either gender will use hats to hide their ears. Dr. John Anastasatos at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery offers otoplasty, or ear pinning surgery, to minimize protruding ears for his patients, available at our clinic in Beverly Hills.

Protruding ears occur when the cartilage behind the ear is too wide or folds the ears outward. The ears are not too large, as is the case with macrotia, but they protrude too far from the head. This can be noticeable from an early age and is often genetic. Otoplasty can be used to “pin” the ears closer to the head or may remove or change the shape of the cartilage to reduce the prominence of the ears. While this surgical ear procedure can be performed on young children once their ears are completely formed at around age five, many kids have this performed in the teenage years. Kids can be made fun of in school by other children, and that can lead to psychological or self-confidence problems.

Ear Pinning Surgery: What to Expect

There is a great diversity of protruding ears. Therefore, the techniques to correct them vary. In general, otoplasty serves to mold the existing ear cartilage in order to create natural-looking ear folds closer to the head. In some cases, the ear cartilage can make the ear appear too high or prominent and may need to be partially removed. Ear pinning, or otoplasty, can be performed either under local anesthesia only or with general anesthesia. During recovery, the ears are tender for the first few days after the otoplasty surgery, with prominent swelling in the first week. Most of the swelling goes away during the first six weeks. The total swelling goes away in six months in most patients.

If you or your child have protruding ears, otoplasty can be a solution to improve the balance of the ears with the rest of the head and facial features. To discuss otoplasty, contact us at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills to schedule an appointment with Dr. Anastasatos.

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436 North Bedford Drive Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860

Greece Location

Palas Kefalari
Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece