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In some cases, patients in the Los Angeles area may require en bloc capsulectomy surgery when having their breast implants removed. An en bloc capsulectomy is considered a more complex surgical procedure than a standard breast implant removal, and it requires additional skill and experience on the part of the surgeon. Dr. John Anastasatos is a top plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Beverly Hills with over 20 years of experience in cosmetic breast surgery, including en bloc capsulectomy surgery in Los Angeles.

What Is a Los Angeles En Bloc Capsulectomy Procedure?

“En bloc” is a French term that translates to “as a whole” or “in one block.” An en bloc capsulectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove breast implants along with the surrounding scar tissue capsule in one intact piece. This technique is commonly used in cases where there is a need to remove breast implants due to complications, implant rupture or concerns about breast implant-associated illness.

During a Los Angeles en bloc capsulectomy procedure, Dr. Anastasatos makes an incision and carefully dissects the tissue surrounding the breast implant. The aim is to remove the entire capsule, which is the natural response of the body to the presence of a foreign object like a breast implant. The capsule is typically composed of fibrous scar tissue that forms around the implant.

Why Does a Capsule Form Around a Breast Implant?

A capsule forms around a breast implant as part of the natural healing response of the body to a foreign object. When a breast implant is surgically placed in the body, the surrounding tissue recognizes it as a foreign substance and initiates a healing process.

The formation of a capsule is known as capsular fibrosis. The body’s response involves the deposition of collagen fibers and the creation of a fibrous scar tissue capsule around the breast implant. This capsule acts as a protective barrier and attempts to isolate the implant from the surrounding tissue in the chest.

The capsule formation is a normal occurrence and happens, to varying degrees, in most individuals who undergo breast augmentation surgery. In many cases, the capsule remains soft, thin and pliable, causing no significant issues. However, in other cases, the capsule may become thickened, hardened or tightened, leading to a condition called capsular contracture.

When Is an En Bloc Capsulectomy Necessary?

There are several indications or situations where a Los Angeles en bloc capsulectomy procedure may be considered necessary or recommended, including the following:

  • Implant rupture: When a breast implant has ruptured or is suspected of having ruptured, en bloc capsulectomy in Los Angeles may be recommended. This technique allows for the removal of the ruptured implant and the surrounding capsule as a whole, minimizing the risk of silicone or other materials spreading into the surrounding tissue.
  • Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture is a condition where the scar tissue capsule around a breast implant becomes thickened, hardened or tightened. In cases of severe or recurrent capsular contracture, en bloc capsulectomy may be suggested to remove the entire capsule and implant together.
  • Breast implant-associated illness: Some individuals may experience a variety of symptoms and health issues that they attribute to breast implants, such as chronic fatigue, joint pain, cognitive difficulties or autoimmune-like symptoms. In cases where breast implant-associated illness is suspected, a Los Angeles en bloc capsulectomy procedure might be considered to remove the implants and capsules.
  • Concerns about implant contamination: In situations where there are concerns about potential contamination of the implant or capsule, such as with textured implants linked to a higher risk of a rare type of lymphoma called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), en bloc capsulectomy may be recommended to minimize the risk of leaving any contaminated tissue behind.
  • Aesthetic considerations: In some cases, patients may opt for an en bloc capsulectomy for cosmetic reasons, particularly if they desire a complete removal of the implant and capsule to restore the natural appearance of the breasts.

An en bloc capsulectomy in Los Angeles is often considered when there is a concern about the potential spread of disease or contamination if the tissue is fragmented. By removing the tissue en bloc, Dr. Anastasatos aims to ensure that all components are removed together, minimizing the risk of leaving any remnants behind.

It is important to note that an en bloc capsulectomy may not be suitable or necessary for all cases of breast implant removal. The decision to perform this procedure is typically made on an individual basis, taking into account the patient’s specific circumstances and the surgeon’s judgment.

The first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Anastasatos at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills. During your consultation, Dr. Anastasatos and his team will evaluate your specific situation, perform any necessary tests and advise you on the appropriate treatment options for your case. This is also an ideal time to ask questions regarding en bloc capsulectomy surgery and recovery or discuss concerns about any symptoms you may be experiencing. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation for an en bloc capsulectomy in Los Angeles.

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