Extra Large Breast Augmentation
When women choose to have breast augmentation, breast size, like any other decision, is a matter of personal choice. They may go for a subtle natural tear-drop shaped look, or go for a bigger volume. With today’s advances in medicine and plastic surgery, it is possible for women to get an extra large breast augmentation.
What Does Extra-Large Breast Augmentation Mean?
Presently, the largest breast implant volume available in the United States is 800cc, for both silicone gel-filled and saline implants. However, with the rising trend of having fuller curves, some patients also desire to have a breast volume larger than 800cc. Thus these patients choose to have Extra-Large Breast Augmentation surgery. They may choose largest saline implants available, and through gradual process inflate them to the desired size of 1,500cc or even 2,000cc. There are cases where implant volume can go as big 5,000cc. In Europe silicone gel filed implants exist up to volumes of 1200cc.
Breast Revision
What Does This Surgery Entail?
Extra-Large Breast Augmentation is a multi-stage process. First step involves getting an initial breast augmentation. Then after several months, once the breast tissue stretches from getting accustomed to having implants, a patient undergoes another breast augmentation to switch to bigger implants. With each surgery, a patient gets closer to the desired size by overfilling implants and stretching breast tissue. It may take 2-3 surgeries, depending on how big a patient would like to be.
What Type of Implants Are Used in XL Breast Augmentation?
Saline implants are used exclusively for this surgery because they can be overfilled, and for their stretchy durability.
As you can imagine, these implants may be quite heavy on the breast tissue. In order to prevent thinning of the skin, rippling, and sagginess, a surgeon may use an internal-bra method to help with long-term support of such implants. An internal-bra may either implement a suturing method or an FDA approved tissue or mesh that is available in the market.