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Are you considering buccal fat pad removal in Los Angeles? Heavier cheeks in women can detract from the natural beauty of the face. Genetics, weight gain, and other factors can contribute to chubby cheeks in women, impacting the contours of the face. A discreet cosmetic procedure for women called buccal fat removal can reduce and slim the lower cheeks to improve the definition of the female face. Dr. John Anastasatos at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery offers buccal fat pad removal to slim and define the face for his patients.

The buccal fat pads are located in the lower cheeks. When pronounced, the face can look wider and heavier, detracting from the cheekbones and ideal angular structure of the face. Removing or reducing the buccal fat pads can have a dramatic cosmetic impact on the female face.

Patients seeking buccal fat pad removal can benefit from the following:

  • Reduce chubby or “chipmunk” cheeks
  • A more feminine contour to the midface
  • A more youthful appearance
  • Improved definition of the cheekbones
  • A slimmer, more attractive facial appearance
  • More self-confidence in social and professional interactions

There are many reasons why women seek buccal fat removal. Some women never grow out of their childhood cheeks, while others may gain weight or their cheeks plump with age. Whatever the case, cheek reduction with buccal fat pad removal can define the midface and bone structure for an improved, slimmer cosmetic appearance.

Cheek Reduction Surgery for Women (Buccal Fat Pad Removal)

A cheek reduction, also referred to as a buccal lipectomy or buccal fat pad resection, is a surgical procedure in which the buccal fat pads in the cheeks are removed entirely or trimmed to reduce the appearance of a full face and create a higher, more desirable cheekbone appearance At Los Angeles Plastic Surgery, we want to inform women about this simple procedure that can produce dramatic results. Below are some FAQs to help you understand cheek reduction surgery and determine whether it is right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cheek Reduction and Buccal Fat Pad Removal

How Does Cheek Reduction Work?
Check reduction is an intraoral procedure, which means it can be completed with incisions inside the mouth to access the cheek tissue and buccal fat pad. The buccal fat bad is either trimmed or removed based on the patient’s unique needs and goals. Cheek reduction is achieved without exterior incisions or scars and can be performed with general or local anesthesia.

What Causes Buccal Fat?
Buccal fat is a naturally occurring pad of fat that is found between the hollows of the cheeks. The purpose of this fat is to help cushion the teeth and jaw. Buccal fat is more pronounced in childhood and starts to reduce in size at the onset of puberty. This reduction of buccal fat is what many people regard as “losing their baby face” as a child approaches teenager years.

Unfortunately, for some, buccal fat does not greatly reduce in volume during adolescence and may even persist into adulthood. This gives an unwanted “baby face” or chubby appearance for women who would rather have defined and attractive cheekbones. Excess buccal fat pads in adulthood can be attributed to weight or genetics (when buccal fat pads that remain despite weight, diet and exercise). Cheek reduction surgery is an excellent solution for those that have a full face due to genetics.

Can Buccal Fat Come Back?
Many patients are concerned about their buccal fat returning after cheek reduction surgery. Just like other fat in the body, however, once buccal fat is removed from the cheeks, it does not come back. In fact, when buccal fat pads are removed entirely, not even weight gain will result in the return of this cheek fat. Weight gain may cause a slight return of fat if there was only a partial removal or trimming of the buccal fat pads during surgery.

Can This Procedure Be Combined?
It is not uncommon for buccal fat removal to be combined with another facial cosmetic procedure to help women reach their appearance goals. Our Los Angeles clinic offers a full menu of surgical and non-surgical treatments to contour the female face and improve overall complexion and tone. Our staff will be glad to answer your questions about which treatments may be combined with your cheek reduction surgery at the time of your appointment.

What to Expect After Buccal Fat Pad Removal?
Cheek reduction surgery is a simple procedure without visible scarring on the face. However, just like any cosmetic surgery, there is a necessary period of healing and recovery that must take place afterward. You can expect slight but temporary swelling after the procedure but major bruising is rare.

Patients are likely to notice thinner and more contoured cheeks immediately after surgery, but maximum results will be achieved within 2 to 3 weeks when the swelling has fully subsided. Fortunately, the mouth tends to heal quicker than the external tissues of the body. Since cheek reduction surgery is performed with intraoral incisions, the recovery is quick with only mild discomfort. If you choose to undergo cheek reduction surgery without general anesthesia, your recovery can be further accelerated.

Define Your Cheekbones Through Buccal Fat Pad Removal

At Los Angeles Plastic Surgery, we recognize that defined cheekbones and a tapered lower face are among the features that foster a beautiful and attractive face for women. If stubborn cheek fat is holding you back from achieving your ideal profile, buccal fat pad removal may be right for you. If you desire a slimmer, more angular face, buccal fat pad removal in Los Angeles at our Beverly Hills office may be right for you. To learn more about cheek reduction, contact us at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills. We can schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Anastasatos to discuss redefining your facial structure and improving your cosmetic appearance.

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WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860
436 North Bedford Drive Suite 215
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Greece Location

Palas Kefalari
Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece
logo Los Angeles Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills, CA

Beverly Hills Location

436 North Bedford Drive Suite 215
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860

Greece Location

Palas Kefalari
Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece