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Breast Surgery

One of the first features that concern many women when considering breast implants is cleavage. Will they have an attractive cleavage? Will there be enough? Is this a factor that can be addressed with the plastic surgeon before the procedure? The fact is, there is plenty to know about cleavage after implants, and your surgeon can discuss your desires during your consultation.

Is There More Than One Kind of Cleavage?

For generations, when cleavage was mentioned, it meant the mid-cleavage seen between your breasts. However, in recent decades, fashion trends have also highlighted side cleavage and under cleavage. Side cleavage is what you see from a side view, as through a low-cut sleeve. The under cleavage is under the breasts, seen in super-short halter tops.

Does the Type of Implant Affect the Cleavage?

The type of implant doesn’t matter as much as the technique used in the surgery. Whether you and your surgeon choose saline or silicone for your implants, the material used determines what technique is used.

Does Size Matter When It Comes to Cleavage?

Many people think that cleavage is determined by breast size. While the size of your breasts and your implants will affect your cleavage, there is more to it than size. The main thing that determines cleavage is actually the size of your sternum, which causes the space between your breasts. The narrower the sternum, the greater the cleavage. Having breast implant surgery does not change the width of the sternum.

What Else Determines the Size of Cleavage After Breast Implant Surgery?

One of the most important things determining your cleavage after breast implant surgery is the surgeon and the procedure you choose. When you choose Dr. Anastasatos for your breast implant surgery, you are getting one of the most acclaimed plastic surgeons in the country. However, you are also choosing a surgeon who understands the importance of getting your breast shape and cleavage the way you want. Dr. Anastasatos believes in beautiful breast implants, and his results are simply stunning.

During your consultation, you and Dr. Anastasatos may determine to augment your implants with body fat to enhance the shape, increasing your cleavage. He will discuss the options with you and help you make the best choice for your body size, shape and desires.

Contact us today to learn more about breast implants and breast augmentation.

Posted on behalf of Los Angeles Plastic Surgery

436 North Bedford Drive Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Phone: 310-888-4048


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