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Beautiful woman's eyes and eyebrows.

When the upper third of your face begins to show signs of being affected by gravity and time, there are a number of procedures designed to address rejuvenation of the forehead, brow and upper eye area. Understanding the differences between some of these procedures can help you get a better idea of what might be the right path to achieve your unique appearance-enhancing goals.

The Differences Between Endoscopic Brow Lift, Lateral Brow Lift and Forehead Lift

While the term “brow lift” and “forehead lift” are often used interchangeably, there are differences in the way the procedure can be completed and the desired outcome of each.

A lateral brow lift, which is sometimes also called a temporal brow lift, focuses solely on the outer third of each eyebrow. By lifting the outer tails of each brow, a skilled plastic surgeon can reshape the entire eyebrow for a more youthful, defined and beautifully contoured appearance. Incisions for this procedure are typically located along the hairline, though knowledgeable surgeons will have preferred ways of managing incision sites to minimize the appearance of any scarring.

An endoscopic brow lift is simply a forehead/brow lift that makes use of endoscopic cameras to further minimize the appearance of scars. The advantage of this procedure, the smaller incision sites and more easily managed scarring prevention, is also part of its main drawback, however. For some patients, endoscopic brow lifts or forehead lifts simply aren’t as long-lasting or as good an option to achieve their specific goals. The further the incisions are from the areas in need of lifting, the less effective and less long-lasting the procedure becomes, in many cases.

Choosing the Right Brow Lift Procedure for Me

Surgical interventions to minimize the effects of aging and to improve your overall appearance can have a tremendous effect on your confidence and self-esteem, but only if they’re done right by a surgeon who understands what you want and knows the best way to deliver. At Los Angeles Plastic Surgery, our care team is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best every day, and we’re standing by to answer any questions you may have about our procedures. Call or contact us today to learn more, and to schedule a consultation, so you can work with an expert plastic surgeon to determine your best course of action.

Posted on behalf of Los Angeles Plastic Surgery

436 North Bedford Drive Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Phone: 310-888-4048


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Beverly Hills, CA 90210
WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860

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Palas Kefalari
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