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For many individuals, the concept of perfection is closely associated with physical appearance. In plastic surgery, there’s a strong focus on enhancing features to improve self-confidence and overall well-being.

One such area that may require attention is tuberous/tubular breast deformity. Los Angeles Plastic Surgery aims to shed light on this condition, its causes, and the available treatment options.

What is Tuberous/Tubular Breast Deformity?

Tuberous or tubular breast deformity is a congenital condition where the breasts don’t develop normally during puberty. This condition is characterized by an elongated and narrow breast shape, often accompanied by a higher-than-normal breast crease and a larger areola.

The breasts may appear “constricted” or “tube-like,” which can significantly impact a person’s self-esteem and body image.

Causes of Tuberous/Tubular Breast Deformity

The exact cause of tuberous breast deformity is not entirely understood. Still, it is believed to be related to abnormal breast development during adolescence.

Some possible factors that contribute to this condition include genetic predisposition and hormonal imbalances. The abnormal development can lead to insufficient glandular tissue growth and a tight, constricted breast base.

Impact on Psychological Well-being

Tuberous breast deformity can profoundly impact an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being. Many individuals may experience embarrassment, low self-esteem, and reluctance to engage in intimate relationships due to their perceived physical imperfections. As a result, seeking professional assistance to address this condition can improve self-confidence and overall quality of life.

Treatment Options

Fortunately, individuals affected by tuberous breast deformity have several treatment options to consider. Los Angeles Plastic Surgery offers the following procedures to help patients achieve natural-looking and proportionate breasts:

1. Breast Augmentation

This procedure involves the placement of implants to add volume and improve breast shape. In cases of tuberous breasts, special consideration is given to creating a balanced and harmonious appearance.

2. Breast Lift

Also known as mastopexy, a breast lift helps address sagging or drooping breasts. This procedure can elevate the breasts to a more aesthetically pleasing position for tuberous breast deformity.

3. Areola Reduction

In cases where the areola is more prominent than usual, an areola reduction surgery can create a more balanced appearance.

4. Tissue Expansion

This procedure involves the placement of a tissue expander to stretch the breast tissue gradually. It allows for the subsequent placement of implants and helps achieve a more natural breast shape.

5. Fat Grafting

Autologous fat transfer involves harvesting fat from one part of the body and injecting it into the breasts to enhance volume and shape.

Tuberous/tubular breast deformity can significantly impact an individual’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. However, with advancements in plastic surgery, effective treatment options are available. Los Angeles Plastic Surgery provides personalized and compassionate care to help patients address this condition and achieve their desired breast appearance.

If you or someone you know struggles with tuberous breast deformity, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Embark on a journey towards enhanced confidence and self-assurance. Remember, everyone deserves to feel comfortable and happy in their skin.

Posted on behalf of Los Angeles Plastic Surgery

436 North Bedford Drive Suite 215
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Phone: 310-888-4048


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