When you look in the mirror, you may be dissatisfied with the body you are currently living in. Perhaps nature did not give you the full breasts to create the curves you desire. You may have asymmetry or have an excessive gap between your breasts. You may have lost breast tissue due to illness or aging, or you may lack significant breast tissue but wish to undergo top surgery. Another possibility is problems from a previous augmentation, such as rippling. With any of these concerns, a hybrid breast augmentation can provide a fuller, more natural looking cleavage than traditional implants alone.
What Is Hybrid Breast Augmentation?
Hybrid breast augmentation combines traditional breast implants with a fat transfer procedure to create fuller, softer and more natural looking breasts. The procedure allows for more artistic shaping of the breast than can be achieved with the implant alone. It also provides precision fat placement to correct any breast asymmetries that cannot be completely corrected with implants.
Breast rippling responds well to hybrid breast augmentation. Selecting a highly qualified plastic surgeon can minimize the risk of rippling; however, some breast augments will still result in rippling. Visible rippling occurs but is less common, but there may be rippling beneath the skin that creates an unnatural feeling when the breast is touched. Fat grafting can address the reasons for the rippling by filling in the small voids created from lack of natural breast tissue over the implant.
How Does The Procedure Work?
Hybrid breast implantation works like any other breast augmentation, but with one additional step. As with a traditional procedure, your surgeon will provide their opinion on the best size, shape, type and positioning of the implant. This implant will be positioned either under or over the muscle prior to the second step of fat transfer.
Fat transfer harvests fat via liposuction from an area of your body with excess fatty tissue. This site is frequently the abdomen, but other areas may be used. Once harvested, the fat is purified to ensure fat-rich cells are obtained. This fat is then injected into the breast, over the implant. It has a softening, smoothing and filling effect, providing superior, natural looking results.
If you are considering breast plastic surgery, contact Los Angeles Plastic Surgery today to discuss whether hybrid breast augmentation is right for you.
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Phone: 310-888-4048
Email: drjohnanastasatos@gmail.com