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The facelift and adjacent lift procedures, like the endoscopic brow lift and neck lift, can transform the face. However, most patients want a more overall youthful appearance, which can require other facial feature rejuvenation procedures. The following procedures can be done alone or in combination with other facelifting procedures to achieve the desired facial rejuvenation, available through Dr. Anastasatos at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills.

The Lip Lift
How does the upper lip age? The distance from the base of the nose to the vermillion (pink) border increases and lengthens with age. The red lip substance becomes thinner with less fullness and volume. This is easily corrected by the upper lip lift procedure for a more youthful lip shape and fullness.

In its most basic form, the lip lift entails an elliptical or bullhorn excision of skin of the upper part of the lip. The incision hides well within the base of the nose. Some patients who have droopy corners of the mouth may require additional wedge excision of the upper corners of the lips at the same time. The result can be a shorter upper lip and a fuller, more youthful mouth and lips that can complement the surrounding facelift procedure.

The Chin Lift
This is a little known procedure because most people do not know it exists and most plastic surgeons are not familiar with it. The chin lift entails an incision inside the mouth and the chin gets a lift by suture suspension. This procedure can correct a droopy chin and works well with the facelift that is lifting and tightening the jowls and jawline.

Buccal Fat Pad Resection
The buccal fat pad resection procedure entails the removal of the buccal fat pads through an incision inside the mouth. It is a minimally-invasive operation that serves to remove the chubby cheek look from certain patients.

Submental Lipodystrophy-Double Chin (Chin Liposuction)
Submental fat deposits can cause the appearance of a double chin. This is easily corrected with liposuction of the neck. The chin liposuction procedure removes the fat under the chin and also serves to tighten the skin. Done together with other facelifting procedures, the skin tightening helps to better delineate the jawline definition and improve the overall face/neck appearance.

Earlobe Correction
Earlobes get longer, bigger and droopier with age. Wearing heavy earrings for many years can also elongate the earlobes and create wide earring holes.

Earlobe correction consists of strategically excising a wedge of the stretched and deformed tissue and reconstructing the earlobe. This can reshape the earlobes and create more youthful earlobes to match the appearance of a more youthful face. Earlobe reduction or correction can easily be combined with a facelift procedure, and it is one that Dr. Anastasatos often recommends to his patients.

Endoscopic Nose lift
The nose elongates with age. In particular, the tip of the nose becomes longer, droopier and also wider. These changes are due partly to nasal skin laxity and laxity of the soft tissues of the nose. For example, the skin of the nose becomes thicker, as evidenced by thicker, wider and more prominent pores. Aging nose changes are partly due to the weakening of the support structures – mainly the cartilaginous support.

When Dr. Anastasatos performs an endoscopic brow lift, he has the capacity to separate the soft tissues of the nose and reposition them to a higher, more youthful position. It is an anti-aging operation that gives the appearance of smaller, properly-balanced nose that enhances the youthful appearance of the face.

When the face ages, it is not just the midface, neck or brow that droops or sags. To achieve a balanced, more youthful appearance, other features may require some adjustment. Dr. Anastasatos at Los Angeles Plastic Surgery offers many facial rejuvenation options, including adjunctive procedures to face and neck lifts. Contact our office in Beverly Hills to schedule a consultation to discuss the best facial rejuvenation procedures for you.

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Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece
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436 North Bedford Drive Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
WhatsApp/Viber: +1 949 584 2860

Greece Location

Palas Kefalari
Kolokotroni 23
Kifisia, 145 62
Athens, Greece